THE fame of tenali rama's wit spread far and wide. whenkrishnadeva raya ruled over vijanagara, the moghul emperor BABAR ruled north india. babar heard many of his people praising tenali rama and his intelligence. he became eager to meet krishnadeva raya's court jester. babar wrote to krishnadeva raya and requested him to send tenali rama to Delhi.
krishnadeva raya was proud when he read babar's message. ''tenali rama!you have brought credit to Vijayanagar. get ready to meet the moghul emperor,babar, in Delhi. but ,always keep in mind that you are a VIKATAKAVI. i want you to win at lest one bag of gold coins from babar,''said krishnadeva raya. tenali rama made up his mind to please his king. he set out for delhi with high hopes. just before tenali rama arrived in Delhi,babar summoned his court.
''i do not want any one of you at tenali rama's jokes.severe punishment awaits the offender of this order,''tenali rama was received with due respect in Delhi.he presented the gift sent by krishnadeva raya to babar.then tenali rama spoke humorously about his experiences and his journey. but, no one laughed all sat like lifeless dolls, tenali rama was very much puzzled. he tried his best to make everyone laugh by performing clownish acts. but he failed to get a single laugh. rama became depressed.
''it look as if i will have to go back to Vijayanagar empty-handed.the king expects me to win at least one bag of gold coins from babar,''he thought,''i must succeed somehow.''the next day,babar was out on his morning ride. on the way, he saw an old man digging busily. babar stopped and got off his horse.''why are you working so hard at your age,old man?''he asked. ''o emperor! i am going to plant these tamarind sapling'' the old man replied. ''foolish man!do you think that you will live to enjoy the fruits of your labour?''he asked.'' my ancestors planted trees, and years later i enjoyed the fruits. in the same way the trees i am planting will bear fruits. for my children and grandchildren''said the old man.''well said!here is a bag of gold coin for your wise words,''babar exclaimed.
the old man bowed and said, ''thank you!it is said that the people have to wait for the fruit of their labour when they plant trees,but, i have gained the fruit of the very day of planting the tree!''babar was even more pleased to hear this. he gave another bag of gold coins.the old man bowed and said ''though the person who plants a tree is rewarded only once when the ripening season comes, i have been rewarded two times on the Day i planted the tree!''
babar appreciated the old man's wisdom and gave him another bag of gold coins. the emperor then monted his horse and rode away. when he had gone a few paces, he heard a shout and looked back. babar was surprised at the sight which met his eyes. the old man had taken off his beard and his disguise. it was tenali rama.''was it really you all this time?'' babar asked in amazement,''yes , o emperor, it was me'', tenali rama replied.
''my king told me to win at least one bag of gold coins from you, but ,i have won 3!''babar was pleased by tenali rama's wit and intelligence and gave him another bag of gold coins.
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