ONE day when tenali walked in to the court of krishnadeva raya, he found the whole court in chaos.everyone was laughing. some were almost holding their stomach and still others had tears run down their cheeks.tenali rama was confused. even krishnadeva raya was laughing uncontrollably.since tenali rama looked surprised the rajguru explained,''well!we were talking about your skin colour;we are all fair while you...HA HA,''he laughed. the rajaguru disliked tenalirama and often tried to humiliate him in the presence of others.
tenali rama knew that thathachariar was making fun of him.he smiled and said, ''there is nothing funny about me being dark skinned;there is a secret behind this,''replied tenali rama. ''what can that be?''asked tahthachariar.''it is no secret that brahma created this world and everything in it,trees,birds,animals,etc. after he had created all these, there was still something that bothered him.then he made human beings.his happiness knew no limits.
man was a unique creation and so lard BRAHMA wanted to make them superior to everything else on this earth,''continued tenali, ''he decided man would have things which other creatures did not. he decided to bless mankind with gifts of wealth,beauty, power and intellect.lard brahma said to the while of mankind,''you have fine minutes to take what you want.''while i was collecting intellect the rest of you were busy collecting beauty,power and wealth,''said tenalirama looking at thathachariar. the rajguru was furious. before rajguru could say anything,the king krishnadevaraya laughed out loud and said,''well said tenalirama. we apologise for laughing at you.''
tenali rama knew that thathachariar was making fun of him.he smiled and said, ''there is nothing funny about me being dark skinned;there is a secret behind this,''replied tenali rama. ''what can that be?''asked tahthachariar.''it is no secret that brahma created this world and everything in it,trees,birds,animals,etc. after he had created all these, there was still something that bothered him.then he made human beings.his happiness knew no limits.
man was a unique creation and so lard BRAHMA wanted to make them superior to everything else on this earth,''continued tenali, ''he decided man would have things which other creatures did not. he decided to bless mankind with gifts of wealth,beauty, power and intellect.lard brahma said to the while of mankind,''you have fine minutes to take what you want.''while i was collecting intellect the rest of you were busy collecting beauty,power and wealth,''said tenalirama looking at thathachariar. the rajguru was furious. before rajguru could say anything,the king krishnadevaraya laughed out loud and said,''well said tenalirama. we apologise for laughing at you.''
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