ravana prepared for battle and armed himself with many weapons.all the davas and rishis gathered above to watch the greatest battle of all.both rama and ravana were excellent bows men. both warriors had divine weapons. so the contest between rama and ravana was long and equal:even the vaanaras and remaining rakshasas.rama found that his powerful arrow could not penetrated ravaana's armour.rama cut off ravana's ten heads one by one. but even one fell, another grow in its place.
ravana laughed at rama's puzzlement and was furious when lakshmana and vibheeshana attacked him. he hurled a powerful weapon at vibheeshana which lashmana countered withan equally powerful dart. once again ravana attacked vibheeshana who was a traitor in his eyes. once again the weapon was countered by lakshmana.ravana's eyes became red with burning fury. he hurled a mighty weapon at lakshmana shouting ''now you are dead!''under its force, lakshmana fell down unconscious.
rama did not notice it, but continued fighting. once again hanuman brought an entire mountain of herbs to revive lakshmana. indra, the king of devas knew that ravana's end was near. he told maatali, his charioteer to take his divine chariot for rama's last assault.''indra has sent his chariot fore you to use!''maatsli said rama.
rama bowed to the king of the davas, climbed the charit. then began a great battlt eagerly watched by the davas,gandharvas and rishis. ''lord rama! may i remind you of the BRAHMASTRA?!''maatali whispered to rama. then rama invoked brahma and hurled the BRAHMASTRA. it pierced ravana's chest and he fell down dead.''at lost ravana is dead. glory to rama for destroying the wicked rakshasa race!''- the davas, gandharvas and rishis cried and showered flowers from above at rama. there was a great morning in lanka. ravana's wives, led by the beautiful MANDODARI, wept at the side of the slain rakshasa.
ravana laughed at rama's puzzlement and was furious when lakshmana and vibheeshana attacked him. he hurled a powerful weapon at vibheeshana which lashmana countered withan equally powerful dart. once again ravana attacked vibheeshana who was a traitor in his eyes. once again the weapon was countered by lakshmana.ravana's eyes became red with burning fury. he hurled a mighty weapon at lakshmana shouting ''now you are dead!''under its force, lakshmana fell down unconscious.
rama did not notice it, but continued fighting. once again hanuman brought an entire mountain of herbs to revive lakshmana. indra, the king of devas knew that ravana's end was near. he told maatali, his charioteer to take his divine chariot for rama's last assault.''indra has sent his chariot fore you to use!''maatsli said rama.
rama bowed to the king of the davas, climbed the charit. then began a great battlt eagerly watched by the davas,gandharvas and rishis. ''lord rama! may i remind you of the BRAHMASTRA?!''maatali whispered to rama. then rama invoked brahma and hurled the BRAHMASTRA. it pierced ravana's chest and he fell down dead.''at lost ravana is dead. glory to rama for destroying the wicked rakshasa race!''- the davas, gandharvas and rishis cried and showered flowers from above at rama. there was a great morning in lanka. ravana's wives, led by the beautiful MANDODARI, wept at the side of the slain rakshasa.
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