KRISHNADEVA RAYA Had a very large kitchen garden in his palace. different kinds of vegetables were grown there.one year, the king was presented with a different variety of brinjial saplings. they were planted in the royal kitchen garden. the gardeners looked after them with special care. the brinijal plants grew well. soon many brinjial appeared. the the cook plucked them to cook in the royal kitchen. krishnadeva raya liked the brinjials in curry and ''sambar'' very much. he appointed special guards to protect the kitchen garden,the king also passed a strict order that no one should dare to pluck the brinjials from the garden.
one day,krishnadeva raya invited his ministers to a feast in the palace. brinjial curry was served.tenalirama enjoyed the tasty dish very much. ''i had delicious curry at the palace to day'', tenali rama told his wife when he reached home. 'ah! i have never eaten such a tasty brinjials before!'''' you should have brought some curry for me !i would like have tasted those brinjials too!'' his wife said. tenali rama himself wanted to eat the brinjials again. so, he agreed when his wife told him to steal some brinjials from the royal kitchen garden. no one saw him as He plucked some brinjials and hid them in the sash tied around his waist. that very night, tenali rama's wife per pared brinjial ''sambar''. both rama and his wife enjoyed the brinjials greatly.
''let us wake our son and give him some too'' tenali rama's suggested.''the boy may blabber to his Friends about the brinjisals and we will get on to trouble'', rama warned. ''i will have to perpare a way to meet this danger''. tenali rama's son was sleeping in the courtyard out side the house. rama sprinkled water allover the place, as well as on his son . then he woke up the boy. ''come inside quickly,he said ''change your wet clothes it is raining!''and come to have hot 'sambar'.
the boy obeyed him, and after eating the 'sambar-rice, went back to sleep.there was an uproar at the palace the next morning, ''oh king someone has stolen the best brinjials from the royal garden!'' the guards told the king. the king was very angry. ''who has done this?i want you to find out who the thief is!'' he said. after some time, rajaguru came to the king. ''o king!i have heard that tenali rama had brinjial 'sambar' last night'' he said. ''send for him!krishnadeva raya ordered.
tenali rama was summoned. ''what, rama, have you too begun stealing?'' asked the king. ''i hear that you had brinjial 'sambar' yesterday night''.''why should i steal your brinjials when i know that you yourself would willingly give some brinjial if i asked?''tenali rama said.'' it will be useless talking to you or to your wife, because both of you will make up some excuse. i will question your son''.said krishnadeva raya.the guards came with the boy. tenali rama was a little scared of what he would say.
''child,what did you eat night?'' asked the king.''brinjial'sambar'.it was very tasty''.the boy replied. '' at what time of the night did you have the rice and brinjial'sambar'?the king asked.''it rained last night.i had hot sambar-rice after that''answered the boy. ''did it rain yesterday?''the king asked.'' yes , my clothes got wet and i felt cold. after wearing dry clothes, i had brinjial'sambar and rice''.said tenali rama's son.''rama your son says that it rained last night. where did it rain?'' krishnadeva raya asked.
''o king,the boy has a habit of talking about his dreams. he must have dreamed that he ate brinjial'sambar'. just as he dreamed that it rained last night! my wife and i take no notice of his prattle''. said tenali rama.the king was in a fix. he did not know whether to belive tenali rama or the boy who claimed that after the previous night's rain, he had brinjial'sambar'.so, he sent tenali rama and his son home.
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