once krishna deva raya decided to bye horses from Arabia.Arabian horses were famous all over the world.''it will be a little difficult to train many horses properly in the royal stables'', he though.'' i shall give one colt to each householder in Vijayanagar. feeding the colts will be expensive.so , is hall give 3gold coins every month to each person.''thousands of colts were brought from Arabia.each householder in Vijayanagar took home a colt. the people were eager him. so, they began spending more money than the 3 gold coin which were given each month. very often, they themselves had less food to eat.as a result, the clots grew healthy and strong, but the people became thin and weak.
now, tenali rama also got a colt to rear. he tide the colt in a shed in his garden, rama built a high wall in front, leaving just a small hole. he fed the colt on some hay only once a day, through this hole. the 3 gold coin which rama received from the king every month were spent on his own family. so, while the colt became thin, rama and his family grew fat and healthy.
when three months passed by, krishnadeva raya wished to see how the colts had been brought up by the people. they all came one by one and showed the colts. ''very good!'' krishnadeva raya praised. he was pleased to see that the colts looked healthy,the king then turned to tenali rama who was also present.
''rama!where is your colt?''he asked. tenali rama bowed respectfully before replying. ''oh, my king! i am sorry i could not bring the colt here. it cannot be controlled easily''rama explained.''what !has the colt grown SO strong under your care.?the king was surprised.'' yes, please could you send the headman of the royal stables to my house so that we can bring the colt here?''tenali rama asked.''of course!iam really eager to see the colt. you can take more strong men.''said the king.
the man reached tenali rama's house and went to the shed, now the headman of the royal stables came from Arabia. he had a long beard. the headman peeped into the hole of the shed. his beard entered the hole.tenali rama's starving colt thought that it was some hay flung in it. tugged violently at the beard. the headman cried loudly with pain.
the other men tried to pull the headman away, but failed. they decided to cut off the beard and save the headman from injury, then,with great difficulty, the men dragged rama's colt ti the palace.krishnadeva raya looked at the animal which was just skin and bones. ''how did the colt become so week, rama?haven't you been feeding it properly?it seems as if yoy have been spending the 3 gold coins on your family!' the king said angrily.
''o king!i gave the colt only a little hay. but look, how strong it is !four men had to drag here. suppose i had fed it with plenty of hay, what would have happened! can you imagine?''rama asked .'' i would like to say something more.it is not enough for a king to breed horses for his army. he must look after the welfare of his people. you placed a great burden on them by giving them colts to rear. see how thin and half-bred many people are!'' rama added.
''you have opened my eyes, rama!''exclaimed the king ''if anyone else had dared to say what you said, i would have punished him. but , your quick wit has saved you once again!''
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