vibheeshana, become very sad, abuout ravana's dith.'' do not so sad ! ravana died like a true warrior, on the battltfield. and his death washed away his many sins. arise and perform his rites!'' rama said to vibheeshana. then vibheeshana was properly crowned king of lanka.rama then called hanuman to go with the king's permisson to the asoka vana and convey all the happenings to sita.hanuman accepted and go to asoka vana ,she, in her reply, said that she was eager to meet rama.
then conveyed the massage to rama, hanumanwas sent back to inform sita that rama wished her to come to him freshly-bathed and bedecked with jewels.this time vibheeshana went with hanuman. when sita said that she would go as she was, vibheeshana told her about rama's wish and ordered the women to adorn sita with jewels befitting a queen.then she was taken in a palanquin to rama.all the vanaras pressed forward to catch a glimpse of sita. so , she alignted from the palanquin and walked to the palace where rama was standing to allow everyone to see her.
at last sita was face to face with her husband,rama. tears of happinesss streamed from her eyes.some times latter ''now i have done my duty like a true kshatriya and killed ravana who kidnapped you. but how can i take you back as you have lived for a year in a stranger's-my enemy's-dwelling?!so, we cannot live together any more!'' sita was utterly shocked and distressed by rama'swords.'' my heart has been broken by your cruel word, remember, i came from a great family! it is not my fault that i was kidnapped a rakshasa! as you doubtme, there is only one course left for me to follow!''
she turned to lakshmana who too seemed to angry with his brother, and asked him to light a big fire.sita went round her husband and approached the blazing fire with folded hands, ''oagnideva!if i am pure and chaste, protect me!'' she cried and jumped into the fire.everyone present was horrified, then agnideva himself rose from the flames and lifted sita totally unharmed. he persented her to rama.
rama accepted sita joyfully and said,'' i know all the time about your purity, sita! but i had to do this , make you undergo the ordeal by fire for the sake of the world!''now, rama and sita were truly united.together with lakshman,sugriva and vibheeshana they ascended the pushpaka vimana and flew backto ayodhya.hanuman flew in advance to tell bharata that rama was returning to ayodhya.
then conveyed the massage to rama, hanumanwas sent back to inform sita that rama wished her to come to him freshly-bathed and bedecked with jewels.this time vibheeshana went with hanuman. when sita said that she would go as she was, vibheeshana told her about rama's wish and ordered the women to adorn sita with jewels befitting a queen.then she was taken in a palanquin to rama.all the vanaras pressed forward to catch a glimpse of sita. so , she alignted from the palanquin and walked to the palace where rama was standing to allow everyone to see her.
at last sita was face to face with her husband,rama. tears of happinesss streamed from her eyes.some times latter ''now i have done my duty like a true kshatriya and killed ravana who kidnapped you. but how can i take you back as you have lived for a year in a stranger's-my enemy's-dwelling?!so, we cannot live together any more!'' sita was utterly shocked and distressed by rama'swords.'' my heart has been broken by your cruel word, remember, i came from a great family! it is not my fault that i was kidnapped a rakshasa! as you doubtme, there is only one course left for me to follow!''
she turned to lakshmana who too seemed to angry with his brother, and asked him to light a big fire.sita went round her husband and approached the blazing fire with folded hands, ''oagnideva!if i am pure and chaste, protect me!'' she cried and jumped into the fire.everyone present was horrified, then agnideva himself rose from the flames and lifted sita totally unharmed. he persented her to rama.
rama accepted sita joyfully and said,'' i know all the time about your purity, sita! but i had to do this , make you undergo the ordeal by fire for the sake of the world!''now, rama and sita were truly united.together with lakshman,sugriva and vibheeshana they ascended the pushpaka vimana and flew backto ayodhya.hanuman flew in advance to tell bharata that rama was returning to ayodhya.
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