the money lender became thoughtful, suddenly he remembered that the king had gifted a handsome black Arab stallion to tenali. which was worth a lot.with a bright smile on his face he said to rama,''Iwill lend you the money on one condition. if you fail to pay back the money along with the interest on the appointed date then you will have sell your horse and settle the debt with whatever you get from the sale.''
tenali rama understood the money lender's plan. he smiled himself. but he needed the money and agreed instantly. some days later, when rama failed to return the borrowed money,the money lender came to his house.''rama, you have failed to keep your commitment. according to our agreement, you will have to sell your horse and whatever you get from the sale, settle the debt what ever'' he said. tenali rama untied his horse from the stable and walked to the market place. he also took his kitten with him. at the market he began to call out,''I am selling my kitten for a hundred gold coin and whoever buys the kitten will get this horse for one gold coin more,''
the money lender got puzzled at tenale's bidding. the people in the market found it strange too.A rich merchant who knew about horses came forward and bought the kitten and the horse, as he knew that the deal was very good. now, tenali rama turned towards the money lender and said , ''this one gold coin is what Igot from the sale of my horse and according to our agreement my debt is settled.'' the money lender realized that tenali rama had out witted him. he walked home dejected.
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