ONCE a very famous wrestler, bajrang was going to different kingdoms challenging the wrestlers their to a fight. so far he had def dated all his opponents.he came to the kingdom of vijayanagar. ''welcome to our kingdom,''said king krishnadevaraya.''i am on a tour of different kingdoms, challenging their mightiest wrestlers to a competition,'' said bajrang.''so far i have succeeded in defeating all my opponents,''he boasted, ''now i wish to challenge the men of your kingdom,''
''very well!we shall let you know who will fight you in court tomorrow,'' said the king krishnadevaraya.after bajrang had gone, the king summoned all his ministers to discuss the situation.''there is no one to match bajrang, so far, famous fighters from other kingdoms have lose to him,'' said one minister. the king was worried because no one came for ward to take up the challenge.at the time tenali rama stepped forward and said,'' I would like to take to bajrang challenge, maharaja.'' the raja guru burst out laughing. but the king krishnadeva raya said,''rama you have saved our face many times and since there is no one else coming forward to accept the challenge, you might as well go ahead,'' permitted the king.
next day bajrang arrived. ''I'm ready for the competition.''''very well!here is tenali rama,he shall be the one to fight you''said krishnadeva rava.he looked at tenaliand started to laugh loudly.''he is no match for me ;he is so skinny.''''well,i have defeated many like you before,''said tenali rama proudly.''what do you fight?''let's start with the zuzu fight,''said tenali.''the zuzu fight?bajrang looked puzzled,''what is that?''''it is wrestling of the mind and not anything physical.''
the wrestler knew he was no match to tenali or anybody else, when no came to a fight of the mind,''o king i am not feeling very well to day. can we schedule the competition for tomorrw?''requested bajrang.the king krishnadeva raya agreed. the next day bajrang failed to show up at the court. he had run away in the night. ''well done tenali rama,'' congratulated the king.''you have once again saved vijayanagar's name.''
''tell me some thing,'' asked the king.''what is this zuzu?i have never heard of it,'' said krishnadevaraya. ''it's nothing,''replied tenali smiling.''o king that was the first word that come to my mind.''the whole court burst out laughing.
''very well!we shall let you know who will fight you in court tomorrow,'' said the king krishnadevaraya.after bajrang had gone, the king summoned all his ministers to discuss the situation.''there is no one to match bajrang, so far, famous fighters from other kingdoms have lose to him,'' said one minister. the king was worried because no one came for ward to take up the challenge.at the time tenali rama stepped forward and said,'' I would like to take to bajrang challenge, maharaja.'' the raja guru burst out laughing. but the king krishnadeva raya said,''rama you have saved our face many times and since there is no one else coming forward to accept the challenge, you might as well go ahead,'' permitted the king.
next day bajrang arrived. ''I'm ready for the competition.''''very well!here is tenali rama,he shall be the one to fight you''said krishnadeva rava.he looked at tenaliand started to laugh loudly.''he is no match for me ;he is so skinny.''''well,i have defeated many like you before,''said tenali rama proudly.''what do you fight?''let's start with the zuzu fight,''said tenali.''the zuzu fight?bajrang looked puzzled,''what is that?''''it is wrestling of the mind and not anything physical.''
the wrestler knew he was no match to tenali or anybody else, when no came to a fight of the mind,''o king i am not feeling very well to day. can we schedule the competition for tomorrw?''requested bajrang.the king krishnadeva raya agreed. the next day bajrang failed to show up at the court. he had run away in the night. ''well done tenali rama,'' congratulated the king.''you have once again saved vijayanagar's name.''
''tell me some thing,'' asked the king.''what is this zuzu?i have never heard of it,'' said krishnadevaraya. ''it's nothing,''replied tenali smiling.''o king that was the first word that come to my mind.''the whole court burst out laughing.