VISWAMITRA'S VISIT TO AYYOTHI one day sage viswamithra came to see the king dasaratha.the king was over joyed and he rose from his throne and came to meet the great sage.'' iam very fortunate to receive you as my guestis there anything wich i can do for you? command me and i shall obey at once !" said the king. ''o king ! i am greatly pleased to hear your gracious word."viswamitra began.''iam performing a great sacrifice.but two rakshasas mareecha and subhu defile the sacred fire .so i need your help''''please send me rama with me to slay the rakshasas''.iwill keep him for about ten days and then send him back to ayodhya!''."o sage how can i send a young boy like rama to face fierce rakshasas!?he cried.viswamitra became very angry.then vasishta came forward.''o king dasaratha !you need not fear about sending rama to kill rakshsasa.lakshmana can go with rama.viswamitra will protect them from danger.remember,o king ,that viswamitra was a great warrior and is skilled in the use of divine weapons, who performed severe'tapas' to attain to exalted position of 'BRAHMA RISHI'!''then king dasaratha pleased and sent rama and laksh mana.dasaratha blessed his sons and sent with viswamitra.
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