SURPANAKHA MEETS RAVANA.surpanska'' look at what rama and lakshmana have done to me!'' she wailed then she saw her brothers.''go and avenge my pain''.''do not worry, surpanakha !we have never been defeated in battle and will win now too. we will kill rama and lakshmana '' khara boasted as they set out .rama and lakshmana saw the rakshasa hordes approaching. within a shot time he destroyed the entire rakhasa army single-handed. then with sharp arrow he killed khara and dooshana too.the devas and rishis who were watching the battle, blessed rama by showering petals from above. in the meenwhile, surpanakha, who went to lanka. she created a sensation when she ran into the court. ''o brother ravana!, here you are sitting supremely unaware that your brothers kara and dooshana and all the rakshasas have been killed by mere humans, all because i tried to get rama's wife, sita,for you!'''' do not worry, surpanakha! i will teach rama and lakshmana a fitting lesson by kidnapping sita!'' ravana told his sister.he flew in his chariot to the place where his kinsman, mareecha, lived. mareecha,who was taataka's son, now lived like a hermit.'' o mareecha! i want to take revenge on rama and lakshmana who cut off my sister's nose, by kidnapping rama's wife sita''. he said.mareecha, advice ravana not to do that.but ravana would not listen.''o mareecha! i am not asking you to face rama's arrows. you hane magic powers and can any shape . all i want you take the form of a beautiful golden deer and prance about playful so that sita can see you .she will definitely want you ans will ask rama and lakshmana to catch you .i want you to move away from hut and so take rama and lakshmana deeper into the forest.then i shall take away sita''! ravana revealed his plan to mareecha.he once again change ravana's mind but he failed.he decided that it would be better if he died at rama's hand rather than at ravana's , so he agreed.
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