SURPANAKHA ENTER. after bharata's departure, rama felt extremely sad. so, he decided to go further on and help the sages who were being troubled by rakshasas. rama,sita and lakshmana enter the dandaka forest,suddenly a hideous distorted figure of a rakshasas stood in their path.named ''viraada''. he had obtained a boon from lord brahma that no weapon could kill him.he give trable to them at lost they kill viraada and brake his bones.then they rid the dandaka forest of rakshasas who tormented the sage who lived there. a decade passes by in this manner.. rama , sita and lakshmana decided to move on . on the advice of sage agasthya, whose ashrama they visited , the three of them went to the forest,PANCHAVATI,on the bank of the godavari river. one day , rama and lakshmana were out hunting and saw a huge figure on a tree, on closer look, however rama and lakshmana found it was a eagle.'' who are you?'' asked rama ''iam JATAAYU, the son of the god of dawn,aruna. my brother is SAMPAAI.iam your father's old friend . whenever you leave sita alone, ishall look after her carfully!''he said some time after this , a rakshasi, named SURPANAKHA, came to panchavati.she hid behind a tree to see who was living inthe hut . when she saw rama, she fell in love withhim at once. she presented, and walked up to rama and asked him who he was. on learning that he was rama, she said'' '' iam surpanaka, the only sister of the mighty king of lanka, RAVANA.KUMBAKARNA,VIBHEESHANA ARE MY BROTHERS , while KHARA AND DOOSHANA, who live in the janasthana area,are also my brothers.''i have fallen in love with you. marry me at once. do not consider my ugly form, i can change my shape to look beautiful for you!'' rama laughted gently and said '' i am marry sita, how can i marry you?''so ,surpanakha went to lakshmana and asked him to marry her. he told ''iam also married how can i marry you go back ''. surpanakha second time go and asked rama to marry her.but rama once again said that he has already married. she grew angry and shouted that she would kill sita as she stood in her way. lakshmana immediately took out his sword and cut her nose off.surpanakha screamed with pain as blood streamed down her face and ran to janasthana.
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