THE GOLDEN DEER.ravana and mareecha flew to panchavadi. ravana hide behind some trees and ordered mareecha to play his part.sita was busy plucking flowers for their daily worship, when she saw beautiful golden deer nibbling at the grass near their hut.she at once called rama
and lakshmana to see the creature. they saw the golden deer said to sita that it was really a beautiful animal.'' please can you cath it for me, my lord! i want to take it back to ayodhya and keep it as a pet!'' sita begged.'' brother ,i do not think that it is really a deer, but a rakshasa!' he warned.sita begged rama once more to get it for her.'' lakshmana, you must stand on guard here. do not, on any account, leave sita alone!''rama said before he went.the golden deer, he sprang nimbly away each time rama came near.gradually the two of them went further and further in to the forest.then ,mareecha, tiring of the chase, stood still so rama's arrow pierced he fell, he assumed his original rakshasa from and cried loudly in a voice wich sounded like rama's ''o lakshmana! o sita!'' at once rama realised that lakshmana's guess was correct.but rama felt confident that lakshmana would not leave sita alone even for a moment. but he ran back to the hut.lakshmana and sita hear the voice of rama crying.'' o lakshmana ! that was rama crying for go quickly and find out what is wrong'' sita begged.''dont worry! rama can cope withany rakshasa single-handed. he will not need any help and will be terribly angry with me if i leave you alone.''lakshmana replied.sita began sobbing wildly.''now i know that you are rama's enemy. you pretended to accompany us to the forest in order to get rid of rama and then disgrace me . if you do not go, ishall end my life''he cried.lakshmana was deeply hurt by sita's unjust accusations. ''all right , i will go!but before that i shall draw a line out side the hut which you must not cross for your own safety!'' he said reluctantly and with the tip of hies arrow, he drew a wide circle around the hut.then he went away looking back uneasily.

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