BHARATA MEETS RAMA. after all the funeral ceremonies were conducted, bharata called a meeting of sage vasishta and other ministers.'' i shall go to the forest and beg rama to come back to ayodhya.if he does not agree, i shall stay there performing penance for the worngs done!''he said.preparations began to go to the forest.accompanied by shatrughna, and the three queens, the ministers.and a large army, bharata went to the forest. as they reached the tamasa river, guha,the hunter chieftain become alarmed.he wondered if bharata was following rama with his army and had evil intent.after spoke to him guha was convinced. and told rama has crossed the gonga with sita and lakhmana he informed.then they reached the sage bharadwaja's asharam. the sage looked with pity at the repentant, queen kaikeyi and chided bharata for speaking harshly about her.''go to that direction!'' the sage pointed. lakshmana saw bhrata walking at the head of a large army, he at once ran to rama and told him that bharata was comming to kill him.rama told lakshmana ''you are wrong about bhrata, i know bhrata and his gentle upright nature, i am sure he is coming here to beg me return to ayodhya. so, do not take ill of him.'' bharata came with barefoot and fell at rama's feet with tears.'' how is our beloved father?why have left him to come here/""rama asked.'' o brother rama! our father is no more!'' he said.on hearing this, rama fell unconscious. when he recovered, he said ''o bharata! how unfortunate i am to be denied the right to perform his funeral rites!'' bharatafell at rama's feet and begged him to return to ayodhya and accept the kingship. rama told gently,''if i do so, i will be broke our father's promise. do you think that our father's soul will be happy?no, i cannot return ''then bharata requested ti give him his ''padukas''.and ''i wil go to nandigramam and leadthe life of an ascetic and do penancetillyou return.i shall rule from there on your behalf. but you do not return, i shall jump into the fire!'' bharata declared. then bhrata placed rama's ''padukas'' on his head and departed. the people of ayodhya realised now how much bharata loved rama and did not mind being under his rule.
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